Install Internet Explorer on Ubuntu Dapper in 3 easy steps

As weird as this may sound, sometimes even Linux users need Internet Explorer – for example to check how they current web design looks in the good old IE, to browse an ‘IE only page’ (probably not as big problem as a few years ago though), or to log in to a legacy system for example. For some time I have thought this is possible only with Crossover Office (which is not not expensive, but still not free) until Gabor told me about a completely free, easy-to-install and working solution: IEs4Linux.

Paradoxically, IEs4Linux provides a functionality which is (AFAIK) not available to Windows users: It installs 3 versions of Internet Explorer: 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0.
Maybe the time has come for Win32 users to install Ubuntu so they can view their webdesign in all the currently used versions of IE? 😉

So, now for the installation:

Check /etc/apt/sources.list – make sure you have access to the ‘universe’ packages by uncommenting the following lines:

deb dapper universe
deb-src dapper universe
  • Step 1 If you have just uncommented the lines, don’t forget to apply the changes:

    sudo apt-get update
  • Step 2 Install wine and cabextract:

    sudo apt-get install wine cabextract
  • Step 3 Install IEs4Linux:

    tar -xzvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
    cd ies4linux-x.y.z (where x.y.z is the actual version number)

There you go. After specifying which versions you need, choosing a locale and a few minutes of installation you should have the links on your desktop.

Check out the original page for new versions, updates or to donate for this awesome stuff!

Making a website for distance learning about ruby on rails is a great way to create awareness for the language. With the help of online certificate such as ibm certification, which is attained through sitting the ibm exams. With this you can create this site efficiently and with the guidance of oracle certification you can create a strong database for it. Next look around for internet hosting companies to upload the site on. One good example is bluehost, as it hires the best out, such as cisco’s 350-029 certified, there to provide quality services. To ensure that your site gets a good traffic work on search engine marketing. Employ affiliate marketing program to cater a wide scope of audience.

WWW::Mechanize problem (probably Ubuntu only(?))

I am working on a small screen-scraping utility written in Ruby, and since I have been working previously with RubyfulSoup, I wanted to give WWW::Mechanize a try this time.

So i have installed the WWW::mechanize gem:

sudo gem install mechanize

I wanted to try a ‘Hello world’ application first, to see wheter it works. Here are some official examples (click on ‘Examples’). I Copy&pasted the first one, run and got the following error:

`require__': no such file to load -- net/https (LoadError)
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:21:in `require'
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mechanize-0.4.4/lib/mechanize.rb:15

After some googling i have found the answer: I had to install libopenssl-ruby, and the error was gone.

I wonder if you have to install this amount of additional packages on other distributions also? From the time I am using Ruby/Rails I did not have other distro than Ubuntu, but back in my Python days I have been running on gentoo and I don’t remember such problems. Ubuntu is really very cool, but it seems you have to know well which packages do you need and install them manually when it comes to coding/development…

Getting Ruby on Rails up and running on Ubuntu Dapper

I have just installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight 6 on my desktop machine, and because I had had different problems to install Rails from scratch several times (even the recent session was no exception), I have decided to write a step-by-step guide, which assumes a clean, fresh install of Ubuntu ( i.e. at this point you do not even have Ruby on your machine) and leads you through installing Rails and creating a working test application.
Why is this writeup better than any other how-to-install-rails tutorials out there?

  • Because it will tell you to install really just what you need, not 50 packages more
  • It will also show you how to configure the DB and other things to really make Rails work, not just installed

Let’s get started!
Note: Some people asked if this manual is for dapper only. I would say mostly yes, because i have had different problems on breezy (for example i had to compile ruby-mysql driver manually). Its not entirely impossible that it will work with breezy – but then you will have to make sure that the packages are the same version as assumed here (e.g. MySQL > 5 etc.)

Part I: Installation

Prepare the system for the installation

  • Check /etc/apt/sources.list – make sure you have access to the ‘universe’ packages by uncommenting them:
deb dapper universe
deb-src dapper universe
  • Refresh apt packages to make sure you get the most up-to-date stuff:
sudo apt-get update

Install Ruby related packages

  • Install Ruby essentials: ruby, irb, rdoc, ri
sudo apt-get install ruby rdoc ri
  • Install gems: download, unpack, install
go to
download rubygems-0.8.11.tgz (or the latest version)  tar -xzvf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
cd rubygems-0.8.11/
sudo ruby setup.rb

MySQL installation and configuration

  • Install MySQL:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  • Install ruby MySQL bindings
sudo apt-get install libmysql-ruby

Install Rails

sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies

Part II: Configuration

Setup the DB

  • Add an user, create a test database and grant acces for the user
mysqladmin -u root create test_development
mysql -u root

Into the db shell, write the following commands:

create user 'batman'@'localhost' identified by 'robin';
grant all on test_development.* to 'batman'@'localhost';

Don’t forget to replace the username/password (unless you happen to be Batman of course – in this case i suggest to use a different password since this can be guessed easily by social engineers 😉

Create and test the rails app

  • generate the app files

Lets denote your working directory (the root directory where your future rails project s will reside rails_projects).

cd rails_projects
rails test
  • edit config/database.yml
cd rails_projects/test 
vim config/database.yml
  • It should look like this:
adapter: mysql
database: test_development
username: batman
password: robin
host: localhost
  • generate a dummy model
ruby script/generate model Dummy
  • edit the migration file
vim db/migrate/001_create_dummies.rb
class CreateDummies < ActiveRecord::Migration
def   self.up
  create_table :dummies do |t|
    t.column :foo,    :string
    t.column :bar,    :string

def self.down
  drop_table :dummies
  • run the migration
rake db:migrate
  • generate a simple maintenance app
ruby script/generate scaffold Dummy Admin
  • start the server
ruby script/server

Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/admin to see the result.
If you have any problems, please leave a comment, i will try to help you.

Internet contains huge number of opportunities to earn money online. Simply create a site that you think has the potential to sell hot items using ruby on rails. Register a relevant domain name and purchase a web hosting service through hostgator, one of the better web host out there today. Get a internet connection through one of the wireless internet providers to upload your site. Work on search engine optimization to get a better traffic and also use affiliate marketing program for the same reason. Finally get a free voip phone service to contact customers directly. The pc to phone system is the most effective method of marketing.