EuRuKo 2008 is over… I have had a really great time, both as an organizer and an attendee, and can’t wait for next year’s conference!
Until that gets sorted out (currently Spain (Madrid) and Poland (Warsaw vs Krakow) are competing) here are some photos we made with Marianna… They were usually made in a hurry and/or dark so don’t expect too much (I guess I should invest in a better objective and flash :-))
You can check out all the (correctly tagged) EuRuKo 2008 photos here.
Please post your photos to flickr or whatever service you are using, and leave a comment here with the address… Cheers!
Nice pictures with nice “behind-the-scenes” infos.
My set’s here…
It’s Amazing
im super sick of my battery on my phone going down so fast, it annoys the poo outta me, see what happens, find a good site and BAM my battery is dead, so yeah, i luckily had enough battery to read this and post the comment haha, i have no life. yay me!