For the sake of future comparison, out of plain fun and for just whatever else, here are some statistics of my first about-half-a-year of blogging:
Global Statistics
- 1,057,638 successful requests for an average of approximately 4000 requests/day
- 622,776 page views for an average of approximately 2300 page views/day
- 34 posts and 364 comments, contained within 15 categories. This statistically means a post gets about 11 comments on average
- Data transferred: 10.54 GB, which is a daily average of approximately 40 MB
- Current AdSense CPM: 2.04$ (is this good or bad? It is hard to get such info on the net…)
- Most popular post (i.e. most page hits): Data extraction for Web 2.0: Screen scraping in Ruby/Rails (nearly 10.000 reads)
- Most debated/controversial post (i.e. most comments): Sometimes less is more (45 comments)
- Most referenced article: Install Internet Explorer on Ubuntu Dapper in 3 easy steps (9 references)
- Best runner-up: Implementing ‘15 Exercises for Learning a new Programming Language’
- 57% Windows (quite surprising for a site where the most popular search terms were ‘ubuntu ruby rails’ and ‘dapper ruby install’ :-))
- 27% Linux
- 16% Mac
- 74% Firefox & Mozilla
- 14% Internet Explorer (83% IE 6.0, 16% IE 7.0)
- 7% Safari
- 3% Opera
Top 5 referring sources
- direct
Given that is my first attempt at blogging, I am studying Ruby for just a few months now (I even started this blog earlier than I wrote my first Ruby script), I have really little time for blogging and that I am not a native speaker, these figures are not that bad I guess :-). Of course I would like to improve them even more, so please leave a comment with suggestions on this – what would you like to see here in 2007?
Hi, would be nice when you could post a some details on how are getting this results. Of course, we all from the ruby community know multiple ways of getting them, but maybe sharing some tricks helps getting better results faster. Thanks a lot.
Well… I will have to disappoint you: I did not use any Ruby stuff at all 😉 When I asked the same question on the RubyOnRails mailing list a few months ago, I was told that I should use google analytics unless I want to seriously reinvent the wheel…
After installing and getting convenient with google analytics, I immediately understood what were they talking about… It would take ages to develop even the fraction of the offered functionality. Note that I am not a google fanboy per se – and this can not be said about Ruby/Rails. However, in this case, I can not advise them – the right tool for the right job is called google analytics this time.
For the first part I have also used also analog and WordPress statistics.
Some quick question – What is the relation between CPM and page views or page request? my question is what has been your total income a day or the whole period as a whole?
I am curious to know if you are blogging is slef financed i.e it pays the hosting fees :=)
In the google AdSense terminology, CPM is ‘Cost per 1000 impressions’ – i.e. for every 1000 page impressions I am receiving $2.04. I should look up what the heck is a page impression – it is different from page view, since not every page view is a page impression.
I am still quite ambivalent about adSense – lots of people don’t like it, and the content I am usually providing here is not really targeted of people who are clicking ads. However, to answer your question, yes, it pays the hosting fees – if I will continue to collect revenue with an equal tempo, it will even pay double of the hosting.
I hope this answers your question – I am also quite newb when it comes to adSense…
i’m continually roaming around the net almost all of the working day as a result I have a tendency to read significantly, which is not usually a beneficial matter as the largest part of the websites I discover are made up of worthless crap copied from many other sites a zillion times, however I have to give you credit this page is truely half decent and also delivers a lot of authentic substance, for that reason kudos for removing the phenomena of basically duplicating other individual’s websites, in case you ever want to have fun with playing a couple of hands of zynga poker together with me just email me – you have my email address 🙂