In my quest to whip my feed reader’s Ruby/Rails related content into shape a bit, I made a little research to find out which Ruby/Rails blogs are the most popular at the moment. I had given up on following most of the blogs systematically a long time ago – it is becoming increasingly hard to keep track of even the aggregators, not to talk about the blogs themselves. There are hundreds of Ruby/Rails blogs out there right now (I am talking about the ones found on the few most popular aggregators – in reality there must be much more of them), so it is clear that you need to pick carefully – unless you happen to be a well-paid, full time Ruby/Rails blog reader (in which case you still would have to crank a lot to do your work properly).
OK, enough nonsense for today – let’s see the results counting down from the 10th place! If you are interested in the method they were created with, or a longer, top 30 list from technorati and alexa, check out this blog entry.
10. by Jamis Buck.
Jamis Buck “is a software developer who has the good fortune to be both employed by 37signals and counted among those who maintain the Ruby on Rails web framework”. He is mostly blogging about (surprise, surprise!) Rails – of course on a very high level, which could be expected from a Rails core developer. Very insightful posts on ActiveRecord, Capistrano and other essential Rails topics delivered in a professional way.
9. by the Rails core team
This is the “default” Ruby on Rails blog, used for announcements, sightings, manuals and whatever else the RoR team finds interesting :-).
8. by Amy Hoy.
This is a really cool little site – Amy is a very gifted writer and designer, publishing very insightful articles as well as the nicest (hands down!) cheat sheets about different Web2.0, Ajax, Rails and that sort of stuff. Definitely worth checking out!
7. by PJ Hyett and Chris Wanstrath.
A very serious blog of two Rails-geeks about advanced topics (but very well explained – so if you are not totally green (#00FF00) you should do fine). Among other things, they have contributed Sexy Migrations to Rails recently.
6. by Geoffrey Grosenbach
Geoffrey is the author of more than twenty of Rails plugins, (including gruff, my favorite graph drawing gem), a horde of professional-quality articles and the PeepCode screencast site. Do I need to say more?!
5. by _why the lucky stiff.
_why is probably the most interesting guy in the Ruby community. He is the author of (among tons of other things) Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby, HPricot, the coolest Ruby HTML parser, Try Ruby! (a must see!) and Hackety Hack, for aspiring wannabe programmers who want to hack like in the movies! The list goes on and on… This guy never stops. If someone will ever invent the perpetuum mobile, he will be it (in Ruby, of course).
4. by Dan Benjamin.
Dan’s recent work include Cork’d, a web2.0 wine community site or the A List Apart publishing system. He does great podcasts with various guys.
3. by Rick Olson and Justin Palmer
Personally I was quite surprised that a blog concentrating on such a narrow topic (in this case the mephisto blogging system) could grab the 3rd place – so I have checked both alexa and technorati by hand just to be sure, and it seems that everything is OK – mephistoblog is ranked very high on both of them, justifying this position. After all, mephisto is the leading blog system of Rails!
2. by Peter Cooper.
This blog is my absolute favorite from this top 10 list (actually, from all the Ruby blogs I have encountered so far). I am definitely with Amy Hoy, who said If you had to subscribe to just one Ruby blog, it should be this one. If you would like to know what’s happening in the Ruby/Rails community, rubyinside is the place to check. If there is no new post here, it’s because most probably nothing happened!
And the winner is: by David Heinemeier Hansson.
Well, what should I add? David is the author of Ruby on Rails, so no wonder his blog topped the list!
It’s interesting to note that nearly all the blogs listed here are mostly pure Rails ones – rubyinside (mixed Ruby/Rails) and redhanded (pure Ruby) being the two exceptions. It would be interesting to generate such a list for Ruby blogs – though I am not sure how. The sources I have used (most notably rubycorner) aggregate both Ruby and Rails blogs) – so it seems there are much more Rails bloggers out there (or they are much better (with the exception of _why) than the Ruby bloggers).
I would really like to hear your opinion on this little experiment – whether you think it makes sense or it is completely off, how could it be improved in the future, what features could be added etc. If I’ll receive some positive feedback, I think I will work on the algorithm a bit more, and run it once in say every 3 months to see what’s happening around the Ruby/Rails blogosphere. Let me know what do you think!
Goodonyour log
great post thanks very much
Good article. Also worth to mention blog
Good job dude
I can’t believe Megan won’t be in the next Transformers 3! She was so brilliant before.
Thank you very much for this information. Good post thanks for sharing.
Hi Guys i am new to Ruby on Rails,
I am having one issue in my web application and want to have a thought from you all.
There are dynamic links on the web page and upon clicking it I want to open it in a new page.
Following is the code snipped currently being used in there.
<%= i + 1 %>. <%= linkto content.filename, content.publicfilename%>
Kindly help me out on this issue, thanks in advance
Found the solution guys thanks 🙂
<%= i + 1 %>. <%= linkto content.filename, content.publicfilename,:popup => true%>
There are hundreds of Ruby/Rails blogs out there right now..
I understood that it’s not important what language, it’s important what you like. If it’s made with Drupal/Django/Rails isn’t interesting from the visitor’s point of view 🙂
Jamis Buck developments is great ! I’m following Jamis.
so it is clear that you need to pick carefully – unless you happen to be a well-paid, full time Ruby/Rails blog reader
thank you 🙂
Thank you, very much.
thanks you, very much.
Thank you,very much.
System admin/Ruby developer
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* Amazon EC2 cloud management
* Monitoring
* MySQL operation and tuning
* Development of system operations scripts in Ruby
* Development/maintenance of Ruby on Rails application
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Goodonyour log
Thanks for information
Sign: zdbrw Hello!!! sguge and 7522frucmtkffa and 4611 : Nice blog!
this is a great resource! thanks!!
deri ceket, bayan deri ceket modelleri
Thank You All Good informations….
Thank You All Good informations….
thanks for information
umut yazar çizer biber hapı
thanks.very nice post.
thanks for all information
nice share. thank you
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thanks for post. nice share
acayip thanks
thanks admin. very nice post
Thanks for your themes!
thank you for sharing. great post
great post thanks very much
thanx 🙂
Thanks, Nice Sharing.
Good Works.!
very very nice. Thanks
good information. thanks awfully
thanks for shared
thank you for post, nice sharinng, good works
Thank you for sharing admin
thnx :)))
thank you
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